Setting up a Terragrunt repository effectively maybe it's hard, but it's crucial for maintaining a clean, secure, and efficient infrastructure-as-code workflow.
ReadSometimes I don't have time to browse Instagram, and as you know - spent time on your account will definitely help your SEO and getting your online activity noticed by others. For this I have now GramAddict
ReadAt the beginning of the month, following the words of my friend, I started looking into putting up a HomeLab server. After many instances during this short journey, I finally managed to make a server to put up my home services, which I needed for a long time
ReadAfter the recent chaos I found on my Raspberry Pi server and its unstable performance I made a fresh attempt to build a simple ad filter in my home using rPi
ReadLast time I remembered about a tool that allows you to create a big map of current resources present in your AWS account, and based on it make a report of potential vulnerabilities, threats, unused resources and much more. I can thank a colleague at work for finding it - such explorers are a real treasure!
ReadWith the use of git-crypt, we can secure sensitive data, keys or passwords without separating them outside the repository
ReadWhen creating pipelines, we often use already-made code we've written ourselves in previous projects. Whether in GitHub Actions we can replace them with maintained actions!
ReadIf you want to run multiple WordPress sites and other services but don't have time to configure each one with their specific library versions, you can set all in one big docker config