When installing a bash open source project, I was always full of admiration for the developers who implemented the graphical interface. I was curious how it works and how I could apply it to my projects. The solution is simple - whiptail
ReadRegional locks aren't fun. They always cause a problem with access to certain sources. VPN service charges are often high, and the free versions only offer a certain usage limit or are bandwidth-constrained. Therefore, why not set up your own free VPN server overseas?
ReadWhen creating pipelines for releasing things to the environment, we may run into the problem of handling too few events. By searching the internet, we can find a quite interesting task runner library that will help us in missing pipelines events
ReadA lot of people have a collection of movies or photos that they would like to share with friends. Installing Netflix imitation services is good, but requires a really large amount of costly space on the VPS servers. Of course, there is a solution for that
ReadHow to use again your old Raspberry Pi? A good way is to set up your home VPN + DNS server quickly and securely